I was going to save this playlist for another day, but I'm not going to have time to post anything on here for a while, so I'll use it as a sort of stop-gap instead. Things have been preetty busy recently - I'm just finishing my first week of work experience with an academic publishing company (progress! careers! etc.) but it's unpaid, so in order to earn money and keep my old job open for when I finish I'm working weekends as well. I've also just found out I've got a freelance job writing educational materials for A Level English Lit students - which is ace - but I had a look at the amount of work I've got to do for it and I'm feeling pretty intimidated. The example pack is eighty pages long. IT'S GOING TO BE LIKE MY DISSERTATION ALL OVER AGAIN. Except better, because I'll be getting paid.
So enjoy this playlist, all the songs of which are of the noise-pop-lo-fi variety. Some old(ish), some new, all good. I always find this kind of music very reminiscent of summer and, let's face it, we could probably do with a bit of sunshine. Enjoy! I'll see you soon!
So enjoy this playlist, all the songs of which are of the noise-pop-lo-fi variety. Some old(ish), some new, all good. I always find this kind of music very reminiscent of summer and, let's face it, we could probably do with a bit of sunshine. Enjoy! I'll see you soon!