Monday, 9 July 2012


Because I'm so entirely dedicated to this blog, I've decided to start another.

It's called Pubbins and we'll be half-heartedly reviewing bars, pubs and the like. Its a collaboration between the great analytical brains of Dave and myself and will no doubt be riveting.

In other news, Christmas arrived early in the Little House today when we did online food shopping for the first time! We excitingly have more things in our fridge than at any other point in the past 35379 months, but that's partly because I bought a number of frozen foods by mistake and our freezer is the size of a child's shoe box. On the recommendation of Face Goop, I also bought a new face wash that smells like wine gums. If you haven't come across this site before, I highly recommend it; they post pretty sporadically but when they do, its comedy gold.

I'll leave you with another sort-of-band-of-the-week in Connan Mockasin. The music's ace; the song titles are even better.

Above: Megumi the Milky Way
Below: Forever Dolphin Love
(Featuring an intriguing cameo from the love child of Grayson Perry and David Bowie)


1 comment:

  1. WHERE ARE YOUR NEW POSTS?! I know you're busy and all what with your three jobs and interviews, but it has been over a month now, it's getting quite ridiculous.
