Monday, 26 November 2012


Hello! Hope you're happy and dry, and didn't suffer too much in the biblical rainfall we've had over the past few days. I've got two days off work and, with the last proper pay day before Christmas already here, I've started thinking ahead to what I could get/make everyone. I've also finally started getting the hang of crochet (not the names of the stitches though. Very confusing.) and, naturally, have pretty grand visions of the many wonderful things I'll create.

But to the music. I've been planning to do a list like this for ages, but I never end up writing very much and the bands inevitably end up changing, so it never actually came to fruition. This is probably for the best though - I'd like to think that the music below represents a tasty distillation of all the music I've been listening to lately.

Houndstooth are ace. Their Bandcamp page says they have an upcoming full-length. I'm excited.

PINS are four ladies from Manchester. Their first EP (I think) LUVU4LYF came out on Bella Union last month. It's pretty epic.

I love This is the Kit. I like to think they sound like my band. (They don't)

Animal band names seem to be quite in at the moment, but I don't think She Keeps Bees are the faddy type. This song is probably my favourite off their 2011 album Dig On.

I only found out about This Frontier Needs Heroes recently, but I'm hooked. Not predominantly a 'singer lady' band but definitely enough to shoehorn into this list. It's funny how certain albums will always remind you of what you were doing when you first listened to them; thanks to an afternoon spent in the kitchen a couple of weeks back, their album The Future will now always make me think of decorating my sister's birthday cake. This cake:

Any singer ladies you'd recommend?

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