Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Via Cubicle Refugee

If it's halfway through January and I'm only just doing my first post of the year, it's fair to say that Crayon Maison isn't exactly the most loved blog on the internet. I can't honestly say I'll make any promises to change this (unlike last year), but I will promise that I'll try to make the posts I do write about quality rather than quantity.

This year looks set to be a busy one - already I've started a new job with more than enough new and terrifying responsibilities to match. We're also looking at possibly moving house in the spring, and my new-found disposable income will hopefully bring with it some nice holidays and weekends (I get those off now!) away later in the year.

But, despite all the promise of the year ahead, January is always a pretty drab month for anything. After inevitably spending too much at Christmas, my next pay day seems an inordinately long time away and I am broke! I am also very cold!

Despite this, if all it takes to cheer me up is a chirpy playlist and a biscuit, things can't actually be that bad. Hope this does the same for you.


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